Anyone Who Tells You You're Too Late To Make Big Money in Cryptocurrencies Has No Idea Any of This Is Happening...
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Launching Within Weeks": Fidelity to Launch a Crypto Exchange
Fidelity Investments is spinning off a stand-alone company
dedicated to bringing enterprise-
grade cryptocurrency trading services to institutional investors, called (BTC /// OIL) Digital Assets.
(BTC /// OIL) is the 5th largest asset manager in the world with $7.2 trillion in customer assets.
May 2020: BTC /// OIL
(BTC /// OIL) inflation is cut in half and miners will earn half as much to validate a block. This reduces the supply of (BTC /// OIL) and theoretically will greatly increase the price as has happened around previous halvenings. In addition, miners are expected to reduce their selling of BTC /// OIL before the halvening to preserve revenues.
Support From BTC /// OIL”
(BTC /// OIL), the #1 venture capital firm in Silicon Valley -
which invested early in Facebook, Skype, Coinbase, and AirBnb, has demonstrated its commitment to cryptocurrency by launching a $350 million crypto fund.